Staying farewell in styleStaying farewell in style

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Staying farewell in style

My grandmother was a really stylish old woman. Even when she was sick and when she got frail, she'd still always look perfect and she'd never go anywhere without her lipstick looking immaculate! It was hard to say goodbye to her because she was such a spunky old lady. I knew that she would want her funeral to be a reflection of her style and personality. The funeral did an awesome job and made sure every detail was perfect. It's never great to say goodbye to someone that you love that much, but knowing she'd approve of the funeral did make the day go a little easier.

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Popular Design Options for Cemetery Monuments

A cemetery monument is designed to be a marker and a tribute for a loved one that has died. Choosing the perfect memorial for your loved one is not always the easiest decision to make. However, if you are aware of the different design options that are available, you have the ability to make a much more informed decision. There are a variety of design options for cemetery monuments that are more popular than others.

Flat Carving

This is a design option that is known for being the most traditional. It involves simple sandblasting to create lines that allow for two dimensional designs. It is possible for these designs to even appear to be three dimensional due to the shadows that can be created and the depth of the image. Both letters and images can be created on a cemetery monument through flat carving. Flowers are one of the most popular images that are added to monuments and offer a bit of warmth and delicacy.


Sculptures are not as commonly added to most cemetery monuments, but they are a design option. One of the biggest benefits of choosing a sculpture is the amount of detail that can be depicted. Most sculptures are added to the base of the monument and do not depict a full person, but simply a face. Sculptures are created for cemetery monuments using a mock carving out of plaster.


Laser etching is also a design option when a monument is made out of dark granite. It is possible for an image of almost any type to be etched. This includes flowers and landscapes, but also an image of the person that is being memorialised. In order for an image of a person to be added  to a granite monument, the photo needs to be scanned and the laser can transfer the image into the granite.

Porcelain Portraits

Since portraits and images are one of the most common things to be added to cemetery monuments, porcelain is another popular design option. Porcelain portraits are created through applying a photo to porcelain. It is then necessary for the photo to be treated using UV protection and for a coating to be applied that is designed to offer durability. The porcelain is then attached to the face of the die using an epoxy. The biggest benefit of this deign option is that color can be added to the portrait, which is not possible through traditional etching.